Improving Conditions

in Mar 20, 2015
Rain soaked farmland.

Rain soaked farmland.

Base up top: 395 cm    Temp Top; +2 Degrees

Base at bottom; 205 cm

New Snow since close: 0 cm

Weather; Partly cloudy


Very interesting weather in Nozawa Onsen today. The rainfalls over the past 36 hours has created some steamy tropical valley fog which dissipates above 1200m. With clear and sunny skies up top that classic cloud sea is occurring when view from up high. Should be good photographic potential for anyone with a camera.

The skiing today will probably be ok, far better than yesterday at least. Its possible that the groomers will be faster by comparison. Otherwise the snow is wet and heavy across the mountain. Conditions should improve as the freezing level gradually declines later today.

Yesterday was pretty much a write off when it came to skiing and boarding. Moderate rain fell for most of the day creating poor snow conditions. However it was a good day to explore the surrounds of Nozawa, such as the world famous snow monkeys, the quaint traditional village of Obuse or even the city of Nagano.

Looking at the forecast ahead we should expect improving conditions for about the next week. The rain should move away, clearing later this afternoon. Tomorrow should also be clear with light winds the freezing level declining to around 2000 meters. Snowfalls are predicted from Sunday night onwards with next week looking particularly tasty for mid winter snowfalls and temperatures. Lets hope the forecast holds true.