Base up top: 250cm Temp Top; -2 Degrees
Base at bottom; 140cm
New Snow since close: 5cm
Weather; Clear, sunny, light winds
After brief snow flurries yesterday afternoon we woke to a clear full blue day here in Nozawa Onsen and a brilliant alpenglow shining on the mountains across the valley. Currently there is no wind to speak of and not a cloud in the sky, perfect!
It looks like the variable weather forecast for today will not eventuate. Likely blue skies and sun will remain for the day, perhaps with a couple of clouds moving in from the west later in the afternoon. Today should be warmer than the past couple of days with a freeze level sitting around 500m above sea level, higher in the sun.
There is a bit of a cloud sea in the valleys this morning so up high should offer a very nice backdrop to lay down a few turns.
With an absence of significant fresh snow falls recently, many of the piste runs have worked themselves into hard moguls and there are reports of a crust layer that has formed in the snowpack. So the quality of snow is not quite as good as we have had recently.
The weather tomorrow should be very similar to today with sunny conditions prevailing for most of the day before clouds move in during the afternoon. Wednesday and Thursday should see a return to snowfalls and the freeze levels should drop to below sea level once again.
Time to get out there for a ride. Don’t forget the sunscreen!