Nowawa Onsen Snow Report 2 January 2016
Base at top: 95 cm
Temp at top; -1 degrees
Base at Uenotaira: 95 cm
New snow since close: 0 cm
Weather: relatively clear, some clouds
After yesterday’s fresh coating of 20cm, everyone was out to get their first tracks of the year.
Great to see a nice little dump for the first day of the year and we are eagerly waiting for some more. It has allowed the Resort to open up a couple more runs. Skyline opened yesterday afternoon after being freshly groomed. the conditions were great at the top but moving lower down the snow started to become more icy and rough. Still, this long run provides amazing views and a direct course back to the village from the top.
The next few days are not showing much new snow on the radar and slightly warmer temperatures. However the extended forecast looks like a substantial storm will be hovering over Nozawa in the second half of next week. There should be a bit to get us started on Tuesday, then consistent snow from Thursday through till Sunday, and possibly beyond. Could this storm bring us the dump we’ve all been waiting for?
Hope you all had a great start to the new year, stay safe and enjoy your time in Nozawa
Courses planned to be open:
– Yamabiko A course
– Yamabiko B course
– Yamabiko C course
– Yamabiko D course
– Yamabiko E course
– Paradise
– Kokenashi
– Uenotaira
– Bunabayashi
– Mizunashi A
– Mizunashi B
– Yunomine A
– Yunomine B
– Rinkan
– Challenge
– Hikage
– Ushikubi
– Isemiya
Nagasaka connection
The Nozawa Onsen Snow Report is presented & supported by Nozawa Holidays and The Daily Flake